Senate Beat Has a Quiet Week

Student Body President Andee Gude ‘26 announced that the Student and Campus Life Committee is in the process of reviewing student spaces, specifically mentioning Greenboard. President Gude also drew attention to the successful nomination of Renn Fayre Czars, mentioning that they created a Renn Fayre Czar handbook over the summer. Gude said that “this, as well as my support, will help create a smoother running Renn Fayre this year.”

Andee said that meetings for the Presidential Council on Campus Climate, of which they are a member, are ongoing. They specifically mentioned that the council was discussing a vigil for Palestine, though it was difficult to discern which vigil they were referring to.

Head Treasurer Lucy Knight-King ‘26 announced that Finn Comm allocated $745 to Reed Football, $223 to Terrarium Club, and $197 to Chinese Conversation.

Treasurers Maya Gutierrez ‘27 and Yuri Garcia ‘27 had “nothing to report on.”

Senator Lina Eid ‘26 announced that the Student and Campus Life committee was working on moving the mourning bench — which currently lives outside Paradox Olde — so that its placement is more intentional and it is easier to use.

Senator Andrew Sakahara ‘27 announced that the Senate bylaws needed only minor updates, which will be done before fall break.

Senator Catherine Hoyle ‘25 reiterated announcements from prior weeks that the Health and Counseling Center (HCC) is starting a poster campaign “so the campus can know more about what the HCC is up to, cause they have a lot of cool and useful resources.” Senator Hoyle also plugged commons eco-containers (which this Quest writer uses often and recommends), detailing that students can buy a $5 eco-container token from any Commons cashier, which they can exchange with a server for an eco-container, which can then be turned into the dish tote for a compensatory eco-container. Senator Hoyle additionally announced that Commons is working on setting up seating for people who have difficulty standing.

Senator Linsday Worrell ‘25 nominated Sundara Hesse ‘27, Maya Surbeck ‘27, Alee Haney ‘27, Peach Reeder ‘27, and Xavier da Silva ‘27 as Renn Fayre Czars; Senator Bella Moore ‘26 nominated Jules Flynn ‘27 as Baby Money. Senator Moore also announced that the Harm Reduction Committee is working with the HCC to put together a support box for students struggling with nicotine addiction, and asked students with feedback to reach out to her. 

Vice President Jefferson Ratliff ‘25 announced that there are enough prospective senators to let the special election proceed as planned and be done before fall break.

Senate Public is every Monday at 4:00pm in the SU.

Senate BeatEli Ashcroft