Senate Beat Runs Like the Wind

Senate Public began late and without quorum on Monday, November 20. Several senators, including Bella Moore, Sean Brown, Xixi Dukes, Jefferson Ratliff, and Caroline Spiggle were absent for various personal reasons. Student Body President Safi Zenger praised the Spring/Fall theme reveal video, which revealed the theme to be “Lassos and Lutes: A Wild West Renaissance Affair.”

The committee reports from the other senators were brief. Senator Lindsay Worrel has been getting in touch with J-Board in order to continue her bylaw review work. Senator Meera Balan is in the process of bringing in the company mentioned in previous editions of this column to review Commons’ allergy standards.

The Center for Life Beyond Reed (CLBR) will be hosting an event soon that has been planned with Senator Andee Gude. Senator Gude has been going through Senate and Beer Nation storage in the Student Union through their role as student space liaison.

Assistant Treasurer Lucy Knight-King attended her first physical plant meeting during which updates on sports center construction were discussed. Everything is on track for 2024 completion.

Head Treasurer Nina Gopaldas reported the Finance Committee (FINCOM) allocations. Safer Sex Society requested $1,321.41 and was allocated approximately $700. Mountaineering Club requested approximately $3,000 and received approximately $1,000. Gopaldas explained that these two clubs had to spend considerable time reviewing their budgets to comply with college safety standards, and were being funded for the first time, which is why the allocations were so large. Because quorum was not achieved, Senate could not vote on the approval of these funding allocations.

Finally, President Zenger praised the high level of engagement this election cycle and revealed that there are non-elected positions, like Senate Secretary, that will also be up for grabs for any student who still wishes to get involved.

Senate Beat