Community Safety Blotter 4/21

April 3, 2023 - April 9, 2023

Monday, April 03, 2023

230125; Information Only; West Lot

Notes: An informational report was created to record that a vehicle improperly parked in a reserved parking space was towed to another location on campus.

How dare you improperly park! Get outta heaahr!

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

230127; Damage to Property; Grove Lot

Notes: CSOs on patrol were approached by a community member who provided descriptions of two individuals that they had seen looking into car windows in the parking lots. The CSOs alerted other CSOs to the situation and began walking through campus in an attempt to locate the individuals. CSOs encountered the individuals near the amber bridge. The individuals turned, and began walking southward when they saw the CSOs. The CSOs continued to follow the individuals until they were off of campus. The CSOs then inspected vehicles in the parking lots. They found one vehicle whose driver side door lock was drilled out. They left a CSO card on the vehicle to alert the owner to the activity.

Gert off err campus!

230128; Parking Violation; West Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report that a vehicle was improperly parked in a clearly marked reserved parking space. The CSO located the vehicle and issued a citation.

All these improperly parked vehicles! Y’all need to go back to elementary school and learn your parallel lines. 

230129; Graffiti; Trillium

Notes: A CSO on a patrol of Trillium encountered new graffiti painted on the exterior wall near the east entrance. Building Services has been contacted for removal of the graffiti.

Have you guys ever wondered why trees are so tall

230130; Damage to Property; HCC

Notes: The owner of the vehicle damaged in ARMS report 230127 contacted Community Safety regarding the damage done to their door handle lock. The driver reported no new damage, and a CSO recommended the vehicle owner file a police report and contact their insurance company regarding damage repairs.

I hope ur insurance covers you! That sounds stressful!

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

230131; Theft from Structure; ODB/Bike Coop

Notes: After Dispatch emailed the Bike Coop to alert them that a CSO on patrol had observed an open window at the shop, a student with the Reed Bike Coop responded that it was possibly an attempted break in. The email further reported that a window had been broken the week prior and that tools were missing. They also reported that a bike stored in the ODB bike storage had possibly been stolen. Dispatch requested more information about the damage and missing tools, which the student provided.

Noo! I hope the bike gets found and you get a higher security budget.

230132; Information Only; Campus

Notes: The director of Community Safety is following up on a report of multiple unwanted emails received by a faculty member from a prior Reed community member.

We hope you are doing ok!

230133; Medical Transport - Other; Administrative building

Notes: A Reed community member experienced complications from a known health condition and was transported to a nearby medical facility for care.

I hope you feel better soon!

Thursday, April 06, 2023

230134; No Contact Order Violation; Off Campus

Notes: The director of Community Safety is following up on reports of multiple violations of a No Contact Order by both parties involved in the NCO.

I feel like a lot of y’all don’t understand how a no contact order works. 

230135; Graffiti; GCC

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the GCC encountered new graffiti spray painted on the lower level stairwell. Building Services has been contacted for removal of the graffiti.

Let it be, let it be! Let it be, let it be, Whisper words of wisdom, let it be  

Friday, April 07, 2023

230136; Welfare Check; Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for a welfare check to be completed regarding a Reed student. The CSO made contact with the student who assured the CSO that they were okay and that further assistance was not needed. The CSO informed them that another member of Student Life would be following up with them later, and then the CSO cleared the call.

Hope you’re doing ok! 

230137; Medical Assist - Other; Academic building

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance at an academic building. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student who had fainted and had since regained consciousness. The CSO provided an initial assessment and asked the student if they wanted further medical care. The student requested an escort to the HCC for further care. The CSO provided a vehicle escort for them, and then cleared from the call.

Oh no! I hope you’re doing well!

230138; Medical Assist - Other; Front Lawn

Notes: A CSO maintaining a safety perimeter around the owl scrum taking place on the front lawn observed a student step out of the group, behaving as if they felt unwell. The CSO approached the student and asked if they would like medical attention, to which the student replied in the affirmative. After hearing the available options, the student requested to be seen at the HCC. The CSO provided the student with an escort to the HCC.

Hope you’re doing okay! That owl scrum was brutal!

230139; Medical Assist - Other; Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. The CSO met with a student who had received some minor injuries during the owl scrum on the front lawn. The CSO provided the student with antibiotic ointment and bandages, which the student stated they would be able to apply on their own after they had thoroughly cleaned the injuries.

Oh no, another one down! The owl scrum has no mercy. Hope you’re doing well though! 
