Senate Beat: Apr 27, 2021

Senate reflects on the passed term

In this week’s Public Senate meeting, members reflected on the semester as it comes to a close. Each senator in attendance gave their quarterly reports: a reflection and assessment of their work this quarter. Due to Student Body President Aziz Ouedraogo assuming her position half way through the term, these reports spanned the entirety of the term. 

Ouedraogo began the reports. She is proudest of how all senators and treasurers have done their job, even during uncertain times. She said the quality of senators has improved dramatically and is super excited for the future of Senate after this year. When looking back at her work, Ouedraogo noted that her main objectives this term were to preserve institutional memory and support senators. When she transitioned to an executive position, she saw herself spending less time on her personal projects and instead helping others with theirs. Ouedraogo said this work was incredibly rewarding, and she has noticed a change in culture within Senate from a hostile group to a more collaborative community. 

Student Body Vice President Alondra Loza spoke next. She is most proud of her work increasing transparency from Senate. From changing how SB Info is written to checking in with the Quest more, Loza is proud of the precedent she has set for increasing communication. She is also proud that she checked in with every group that gets funded from or is paid by Senate. Loza noted that she loved checking in on workers and ensuring their rights were being upheld. She also noted that after months of talking about and curating proposals, Senate has successfully begun working to make Humanities 110 more race sensitive.

Vice Treasurer Kodinna Anachebe gave the Treasury’s quarterly report. They said that Treasury worked all term digitizing systems, which they are very proud of. On a personal note, they noted how proud they are about several emails with faculty and administration becoming regular meetings, allowing more work to be done. 

Senator Beq Yonaka said their proudest moment was the interview they did with Quest Editor Katherine Draves about the PE requirement proposal. They were very excited to see students reading about the proposal they had worked so hard on. They noted how proud they were of all senators’ committee work, especially the Student Committee on Diversity for beginning lots of important conversations. 

Next, Senator Orion Pendragon reflected on their goals and work this term. They noted that going into this term, their goal was to increase the accessibility of information about Senate. They said that now people ask “what can Senate do?” and not “what is Senate?” which is a step in the right direction. 

Senator MJ Quintana-Rodriguez was most proud of their work giving minorities on the pre-health track resources. To do this, they worked with both the Biology Department and the Multicultural Resource Center, which was a ton of work, but worth it.

Senator Safi Zenger finished quarterly reports. She was more proud of her work on the Appointments Committee and successfully assuming that role so fast. In the future, Zenger hopes to continue the work she began on making campus better for minorities and people of color through academics. This, according to Zenger, includes bias reporting, information about advisors, and more. Zenger also wanted to highlight what she felt was senate’s most humorous moment: the funding of Butthole Sunning Club.

Committee reports were relatively short this week. Loza updated senators on her meeting with Vice President of Student Life Karnell McConnell-Black. Loza and McConnell-Black spoke about the Community Safety Officer advisory board, hoping to have their first meeting soon. Loza noted her meeting with the Quest Editorial Board earlier this week. In the meeting, they spoke about the Quest playing a larger role in holding Senate accountable. Wages for contributors to the Quest was also addressed, laying the foundation for next term.

Anachebe spoke next and said that they, along with Residence Life, are looking into the feedback students gave in a form sent out earlier this term. Treasury also allocated $9,000 to Renn Fayre. Zenger concluded with some appointments, including Assistant Treasurer as well as Justice Board and Title IX members, all of which passed. Congrats to all!