Senate Beat: Students Push for Transparency Around Paid Student Positions

Senators sat perched on the edge of the stage in Eliot Chapel for Tuesday’s Senate meeting. The meeting focused on student input for an upcoming wage review of appointed positions. One student expressed general confusion about Senate-funded positions. They were unsure about what jobs were funded through Senate and what positions were funded through the administration, as well as how positions fit within the student body. Further, they raised concerns about the lack of transparency when it comes to differentiating which student body positions are paid or unpaid, how much students are paid, and what the responsibilities of each paid position entails. Vice Treasurer Mitzi Zitler agreed that the current system was confusing at times and suggested that information about each position could be added to SIN.

A student also conveyed their confusion over what club leaders are paid. Zitler explained that Senate pays for approximately 50 to 60 positions in total, but only a few club leaders, which include Quest editors, KRRC station manager, Pool Hall manager, Bike Co-op leaders, and a Sustainability Coordinator. She emphasized that Sound Kollective workers, including the manager, are paid hourly for time worked.

President Nikhita Airi communicated her interest in standardizing the system through which club leaders are selected and paid. Because Senate wants clubs to maintain autonomy in their selection of leaders, Senate would need to develop a separate system for clubs instead of using Appointments Committee. Potential systems were briefly discussed but nothing concrete was theorized.

Pool Hall Manager Hadley Parish asked about splitting wages with her assistant. Parish believes it is an important job with a significant workload that deserves to be paid. Senate said they were open to all suggestions about wage distribution and were happy to continue the conversation with Parish. They emphasized that discussions about student wages in appointed positions is an ongoing topic of interest and appreciate all student feedback.

Senator Keegan Samaniego gave an update on the development of a standing student health committee. Progress is being made, but it is still in its early stages of development.

Senator Pax Lloyd-Burchett will be taking Vice President Natasha Bass-Thomas’s spot on the Committee on Diversity. He also shared that the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Student Success had gone well, and a second meeting is to be scheduled.

Senator Rollo Brandon updated Senate on the success of the first meeting of the Library Board. Appointments Committee Chair Maeve Kolk shared that Deidre Baker has been appointed to the Appeals Board, Hadley Parish has been chosen as the Pool Hall Manager, and Emmett Powers has been selected as the Assistant Pool Hall Manager.


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