The Quest's Quest Part IV
Shave your head.
Eat one of the cherry blossoms.
Satisfy three cravings.
Call your parents.
Lick a battery.
Admire a tree (sexually).
Draw a bee on your knee. Look at it. It’s the knee’s bee!
Write a sonnet using the words from these quests.
Put up a poster of something you love.
Write a gooey letter to a representative (you choose what it’s gooey with).
Disrupt lawns. Reclaim biodiversity! Down with monoculture!
Meditate on your metaphorical masks while wearing a physical one.
Wear jorts.
Leave that bug in your room alone, dammit. They just need a place to sleep.
Hone your whittling skills.
Do one bad thing.
Intimidate a plant.
Establish yourself in the goose pecking order. Assert human dominance.
Don’t do any silly quests out of a dumb college newspaper.
Re-write a Shakespeare play in the context of the lives of squirrels in the canyon.
Count all the squirrels in the canyon.
Make plant puns at Quest editors.