The Quests' Quests

  1. Identify a Steller’s Jay

  2. Identify a Song Sparrow

  3. Identify a Mallard

  4. Identify a Bushtit

  5. Identify a Red-tailed Hawk

  6. Identify an American Robin

  7. Identify a Pied-billed Grebe

  8. Identify a Great Blue Heron

  9. Identify a Downy Woodpecker

  10. Identify a Black-capped Chickadee

  11. Identify a Canada Goose

  12. Identify a Barred owl

  13. Identify a Green Heron

  14. Identify a Brown Creeper

  15. Identify a Proximal Phalanx

  16. Identify a Hooded Merganser

  17. Identify a Bald Eagle

  18. Identify a Bewick’s Wren

  19. Identify a Ruby-crowned Kinglet

  20. Identify a Spotted Towhee

  21. Identify a Pigeon

  22. Identify a Northern Cardinal

  23. Identify a Barred Owl


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