The Quest's Quests

1. Bury a book.

2. Hook up with a cyborg.

3. Prance through a cemetery.

4. Slather yourself in coconut oil.

5. Slide around the slip-slop.

7. Eco-terrorize.

8. Empathize with a rock.

9. Fuck up someone's lawn.

10. Groove to the spew movement in lieu of food.

11. Bring back scrounging.

12. Unionize your workplace.

13. Take a nap, you deserve it.

14. Give your friend a kiss on the forehead.

15. Reincarnate.

16. Celebrate death.

18. Don't do meth.

19. Suck your breath.

20. Eat a mint.

21. Wipe your butt with a woodchip.

22. You should scowl more.

23. Read the trees.