Letter from the Editors: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes!

It’s all about the money-money-money, and we need your help!

Hello, esteemed reader. It’s week three, and while we trudge through the various weather phenomena accosting us throughout the U.S. and beyond, we have an update for you all. 

The Quest’s byline item funding has been reduced significantly this semester. Historically the Quest has had byline item funding for all 12 of its semesterly issues, but this year that’s changing. Some of the Quest’s budget is still covered — we get funding for five issues a semester — but for the rest of our funding, we now rely on the results of Funding Poll. That means we rely on you!

The Quest is the oldest running student organization on campus, and we hope to continue its legacy as well as keep it relevant to current life at Reed. We have always relied on student support through our writers, sources, interviewees, crossword creators, and illustrators. Now we need you, whether you just go to the eighth page for the blotter each week or read every Senate Beat, to help us continue to supply you with your news and entertainment. 

While we understand the importance of democratizing the distribution of funds amongst student groups on campus, being moved to Funding Poll does present some issues in terms of autonomy. While the Funding Poll ranking is determined by students, the ultimate decision as to how much money is allocated to each club is determined unilaterally by Senate. Historically, the Quest’s byline item funding has allowed the Quest to report on Senate in a completely unbiased way. With the Quest’s funding now being set, in part, by Senate, we worry for the future of the Quest’s status as a fully independent campus news source.

Being moved to Funding Poll is in some ways a little scary; we don’t have insurance that we’ll be able to continue running as a weekly print newspaper. The only way to be sure that you get a copy of the Quest in your mail stop each week is to vote for us in Funding Poll. While the reduction of our byline funding presents us with new challenges, if enough people Top Six us in Funding Poll, we could expand the ways we support journalism in the Reed community.

Voting for us in Funding Poll would not only give you more news, blotters, crosswords, horoscopes, and birds/dogs of the week throughout the semester, but it would also enable us to keep thinking of new ways to support you. The Quest is the only place at Reed where you can get journalism experience; by voting for the Quest, you ensure the future of journalism on campus. This semester, we’re looking at expanding our educational programs through talks and workshops for our reporters and community. We might even be able to fulfill the Quest’s decades old dream of being able to compensate contributors for all their hard work. 

Funding Poll opens on Feb 13; Top Six the Quest so we can continue bringing you the news!

Your loyal Queditors, 

Katherine Draves ‘22, Albert Kerelis ‘24, Elai Kobayashi-Solomon ‘22, Wani Pandey ‘23, and Betsy Wight ‘23