Reed Resources: Center for Life Beyond Reed

Hello and welcome to the new Reed Resources column! Every week we’ll be highlighting a different on-campus resource that you can access to help you through your time here at Reed. For our inaugural release we’ll be talking about the Center for Life Beyond Reed, or CLBR.

What is CLBR? Center for Life Beyond Reed (CLBR) is 3-advising-centers-in-1, i.e. we advise and support students in 3 categories: work, funding and fellowships, and grad school and professional school.

What should you expect at CLBR?  We offer 1:1 advising to help you find your purpose, shape your narrative, gain experience in fields of interest, polish your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn, practice for interviews, apply for competitive funding and fellowships, apply for internships, jobs, graduate schools, help you connect with alumni, and feel confident talking about your skills as you develop them.  

Info For First Year Students

Some CLBR members wanted to share their advice for first-year students and what they can get out of CLBR.

Alice Harra, CLBR director (and a history major):

"We never ask 'what do you want to do when you grow up?'  We're curious about what you're curious about - not for the rest of your life, just right now. We help you uncover what you want to explore, what lights you up, and what issues you'd like to solve in the Reed-like model we created called 'Communities of Purpose.'  Whether you are interested in sustainable life on earth, arts and expression, civil living, care and cure of illness, research and technical innovation, investing and financial responsibility, globalization and diplomacy, human potential and education, and more, we can help you plan the next step to explore your community of purpose."

Hayden Todd, career & fellowship advisor, and Peer Career Adviser program manager (and a theater major):

"We specialize in helping students who say 'I don't know what I want to do.'” Don't be afraid to make an appointment because you think you don't have the right answers.”

Anna Guyton, Peer Career Adviser:

"First-year students have a Peer Career Adviser (PCA) assigned to them, and you will hear from a PCA soon if you haven't already.  They play a pivotal role in connecting you to opportunities and resources provided by CLBR and in helping students with various professional development pursuits. PCAs receive in-depth training and work closely with the staff at CLBR to keep a working knowledge of job search strategies and various opportunities. You can email with your PCA, make an appointment online in Handshake (Reed's online appointment and job posting system), or come to drop-in hours (listed at"  

Shania Siron, career and fellowship advisor, and fellowships program manager (and psychology major):

"There are more than 40 different potential sources of fellowship funding that are available to students in their first year at Reed! Opportunities to travel abroad, conduct research, learn a different language, and/or obtain an internship are all possibilities for first-year students. The sooner you meet with CLBR the sooner we can support you in achieving your goals (and finding someone else to pay for them).”

We're a part of your life from now until after you graduate, and we can't wait to meet you soon. 


The CLBR team

Nate, Shania, Hayden, B, and Alice