Cat of the Week: Jam

Jam is a sweet, black, domestic, short-hair girl of a little over a year old. She lives with Brenna Intemann-Milligan in the RCAs. Brenna first found Jam last July. “My sister found a bunch of stray kittens, and she was the runt of the litter and the only one that wasn’t a grey tabby,” she said. “I just sort of immediately fell in love with her.” Some of Jam’s favorite pastimes include running around outside, napping on Brenna as she tries to do homework, and purring while she sleeps on her favorite armchair. The particularly lucky Reedie may also find Jam strolling around campus. “Jam is an indoor/outdoor kitty who is well-known in the lower canyon area of campus,” Brenna said. “She is likely to be seen around the RCAs, the Grove, and 28 West.” If you see her, feel free to say hi; but please allow her to roam outside so she can run to her heart’s desire and return to her mom Brenna, who loves her very much.


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