The Quest’s Quests

How to play: Roll 3d20 (or 1d6 and 1d10), and do the Quest corresponding to the resulting number. 

  1. Challenge a goose to a duel.

  2. Volunteer at a Portland nonprofit.

  3. Pick up a new hobby, allow it to consume your life for precisely 69 hours of spring break, and never look at it again.

  4. Write your own quest and put it on posters. 

  5. Talk about your feelings.

  6. Win an Owl Fight.

  7. Register for whatever the hell ResLife is doing this time.

  8. Wear a tan jacket.

  9. Have a picnic in a park.

  10. Take a nap on the floor of an empty classroom.

  11. Sit with your thoughts. Oh. Oh dear. Maybe don't. I'm not your mom. 

  12. Take the bus to a new place and buy a little treat.

  13. Go to the mLab to fix your code.

  14. Run naked through the Canyon.

  15. Go to the Library and read a random thesis.

  16. Read Comrades of the Quest.

  17. Go to office hours.

  18. Sit somewhere new in Commons and make a friend.

  19. Walk for a mile on one street.

  20. Lift something heavy for fun.

  21. Write a kind note to someone in your life.

  22. Roll around on the floor.

  23. Ask a friend for a small favor, then do a small favor for someone else.

  24. Put posters on the physics building and time how long it takes for a grumpy professor to take them down.

  25. Research one bill in Congress and email your congresspeople with your opinions. 

  26. Learn about a new deep -sea species. 

  27. Fill out thesis surveys.

  28. Go camping on Forest Service land with Backpack Co-op equipment to stick it to capitalism.

  29. Hug a tree.

  30. Draw a bird.

  31. Go to Senate Public.

  32. Activate your mammalian diving reflex.

  33. Stand motionless on the island in the Canyon until the wildlife accept you as one of their own.

  34. Submit your intent to graduate .

  35. Start a Reed tradition. 

  36. Learn the name of a campus dog and their humans.

  37. Submit a wholesome MC.

  38. Submit a super horny yet poetic MC.

  39. Go to a calligraphy class.

  40. Arrange some sticks and rocks into an artwork.

  41. Take a funny photo with your friends. 

  42. Draw a hand. Do it, motherfucker. The only way to improve is through practice.

  43. Hand a draw. (Open to your interpretation.)

  44. Be thankful. Be confident.

  45. Yodel.

  46. Interview someone.

  47. Sneak into a faculty lounge and put up a mysterious poster.

  48. Thrift a Renn Fayre outfit for Cosmic Resurgence.

  49. Learn a new recipe and make it.

  50. Ponder sea slugs.

  51. Invite some friends to hang out.

  52. Try a new form of exercise.

  53. Get a good night's sleep.


College Refuses to Yield on HA Compensation


Touch Grass: Oregon Zoo