The Roots of Renn Fayre
It may be the beginning of the spring semester but, personally, we’re already thinking
about the end. Specifically, we’re thinking of a certain celebration that starts the last day of classes, celebrates the graduating seniors for a whole weekend, and carries everyone into the chaos of Reading Week… why, Renn Fayre, of course!
We can owe the success of Reed College’s Renn Fayre (and our current employment as Czars) to Linda Howard ‘70, who was a sophomore in the spring of 1968. Howard sensed the need for a community-wide event after seeing the introverted behavior of many Reedies. With the need for community engagement, 1968's "Gaye Faire" was born. The one-day event featured medieval-style booths and other typical Renaissance Fair activities. Yet, the beginning idea of the Renn Fayre we know and love today has been present since its original implementation. There was a maypole dance and even Human Chess. Most notably, Gaye Faire was advertised with the sentiment that “[t]he Faire will not be a time for many to enjoy what the few have prepared; it will be something in which everyone will contribute as well as partake.”
Linda Howard did more than organize a great party in the ‘60s that would become an annual tradition. She also played a key role in the occupation of Eliot Hall for the promotion of Black Studies. As we move through the history of Renn Fayre and approach 2025's iteration, we should not forget that our favorite tradition was founded by a revolutionary member of the Reed community.
In the ‘70s, the Faire became a Fayre and, along with the name changes, more traditions began. Thesis Parade played a more prominent role, and the first softball tournament happened in 1977. The ‘80s brought the first forms of Bagel Patrol, Glow Opera, Meat Smoke, and huge student art projects that took up the Great Lawn. Renn Fayre '84 also featured an explosion in Commons, but the chemistry majors have since learned to not show off pyrotechnics with acetone peroxide.
In the '90s, William Bennett, the Bush Sr. administration’s "Drug Czar" (sounds like a less fun job than Renn Fayre Czar, but maybe we're biased), took a particular dislike to the unruly fun of Reed's Renn Fayres. However, this did not dissuade the school's community from making the celebration even bigger. Picting and Copting was created during this time, alongside the Bug Eating Contest. If you are unsure what these traditions are, we will be sure to cover them—and encourage their renewal for this year's Renn Fayre—in a later issue.
What really caused the school to reevaluate the planning and implementation of Renn Fayre was the "Apocalypse" of 2000. While this wasn't the official theme of that year's festivities, with $15,000 in property damage, it seemed as though it should have been. There were rumors that the annual tradition would henceforth be canceled.
Instead, the Renn Fayre Renovation Committee was formed by administration members, Community Safety and Facilities staff, and past Czars. In the years since, the committee has contributed to the creation of student project guidelines, contracted vendors, and ensured the celebrations are sustainable for the student body and nature on campus. In the 25 years following RF2K, traditions have come and gone, many themes have been revealed, and thousands of thesis drafts have burned.
While some may tell you that the current Renn Fayre is not as raucous as Ye Olde Reede’s, that doesn’t mean it can't be just as much fun. However, the only way this can be accomplished is if you make it so. Just as Linda Howard emphasized in 1968, Renn Fayre requires the contribution of all community members. If you’re not writing a thesis, then you should be volunteering, and if you’re not volunteering, then you should be submitting student projects or making art with BARF (Build Art for Renn Fayre). If you’re not BARFing, then you should perform in the Dome, and if you’re not doing any of these things, then find a new way to get involved! Throughout the whole history of Renn Fayre, each year is cultivated by the student body. Renn Fayre is what you make of it and we need your help to make it something special.
Stay tuned for weekly articles about Renn Fayre, such as previous traditions, the role of subczars, and harm reduction resources. In the meantime, sign up for a student project! The submission link, along with czar office hours, can be found biweekly in SB Info or on flyers around campus.