Senate Beat Wants You at Late Night Breakfast
President Andee Gude ‘26 opened the meeting by announcing that the plan announced last week to seek help for the advertising and training of the Appointments Committee from CLBR was successful. President Gude added that they are meeting with Vice President for Student Life Karnell McConnell-Black next week to discuss accountability groups and student spaces, and mentioned that they may bring up constraints on student autonomy in that meeting. President Gude also celebrated the release of the Spring/Fall schedule, and emphasized that this year it will lack EMT presence and that attendees should plan accordingly. Later in the meeting, Gude went on to also mention that students with questions or concerns — related to any Senate business — were welcome to email them directly or the Senate email,, and that they will be updating the Senate website to fully reflect senators’ committee memberships.
Head Treasurer Lucy Knight-King ‘26 reminded petitioners attending Treasury meetings that, unless the Treasury is notified beforehand, the meeting will be canceled if no one shows up in the first 15 minutes. They also announced that the Renn Fayre Committee is considering running a Paideia class on how to plan and run student projects for the festival. Later in the meeting, Knight-King went on to also encourage students to complete the Wage Review Form distributed to Student Body Government employees, and to mention that the last day Treasury will accept disbursements or purchases is December 11.
Senator Hoyle ‘25 announced the upcoming free late-night breakfast. Hoyle indicated that part of the reason student spaces still use swipe access rather than keycards are miscommunications between Student Life and Facilities, and that they are hoping to connect with Student Life to ensure that they are providing all necessary information to Facilities. Hoyle additionally mentioned that the CARDS/Accessibility committee is discussing introducing periodic walkthroughs of campus to ensure ADA compliance, as well as more face-to-face communication with Director of Facilities Operations Steve Yeadon.
Senator Bella Moore ‘26 added on to President Gude’s mention of the meeting between Senate and CLBR, saying that CLBR will also be providing support for senator’s orientation and training.
Vice President Jefferson Ratliff ‘25 announced that he and President Gude have, when trying to reserve a time in a Presidential Council on Campus Climate to discuss student autonomy, been told they will have to wait until January. He also wants to “get the ball rolling” on making the legislation process easier before his term runs out at the end of the semester.
Baby Money Yuri Garcia ‘27 announced that Treasury disbursements are on a delayed timeline compared to usual, but students who are concerned about the delay can reach out to get their money faster.