Senate Beat “May or may not have three (3) illegitimate children”
Student Body President Andee Gude ‘26 reported on a “fruitful” meeting with the library board where they discussed ways to leverage the many video licensing services the library already pays for for film screenings student groups often face obstacles putting on.
Head Treasurer Lucy Knight-King ‘26 allocated $252 to Writer’s Bloc for an unexpected cost from a meeting. She also announced that the results of wage review are in, noting that those results will go toward changes to the wages of Senate-hired jobs which will take effect fall 2025. Treasurer Knight-King also commended wage review director Emma Benson ‘26 for “using data and feedback from people themselves in order to get us closer to a place where people are being paid the same amount per hour of work,” also mentioning that they could “get that closer to minimum wage, budget wise.” Portland’s minimum wage is $15.95 per hour, but Student Body Government jobs are salaried and their compensation is not necessarily equivalent to minimum wage.
Vice Treasurer Maya Gutierrez ‘27 announced that the Renn Fayre Committee had a meeting December 11 to debrief Spring/Fall.
Vice President Jefferson Ratliff ‘25 announced that he met with SHARE director L. Mattson to talk about how to survey and gather data about any incidents during Spring/Fall and general thoughts about how people felt “because these are semester bookend events and it can be difficult to circle back.”
Senator Bella Moore ‘26 announced accelerating work from the Reed Union Committee, and announced that the next Reed Union will take place during the first week of February. She also said that CARDS met with Facilities to discuss “putting keypads on doors that require physical key access for students specifically as there’s been some issues.”