Blotter 02/26-03/03

February 26, 2024 - March 3, 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024

240096; Medical Assist - Other; 28 West; 23:02;

Community Safety Dispatch received a phone call from a student requesting medical assistance regarding an injury. The CSO responding to the call determined this was out of their expertise as first aid practitioners and advised the student to seek medical care at a nearby medical facility.

Hope you feel better!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

240097; Medical Assist - Other; Academic Building; 17:23;

A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance. A student reported feeling unwell after a routine exercise session. The CSO offered to assist the student in connecting to the nurse hotline, but the student stated that they were starting to recover and declined further assistance.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

240098; Damage to Property; Front Lawn; 02:43;

A CSO on vehicle patrol near Eliot Hall encountered a green 90s era sedan driving at a high rate of speed on the pathway in front of Eliot Hall. The vehicle then drove onto the grass between Eliot Hall and the Student Union, turned around, and drove across the Front Lawn to exit campus.

Phillip Dussin – what are you gonna do about this?

Friday, March 01, 2024

240099; Information Only; Residence hall; 10:03;

CSOs responded to a request for assistance. The CSOs met with a student who reported that they had observed a person on campus with whom they had prior stated they wished to have no further interaction. When the CSOs arrived, they patrolled the vicinity and determined that the individual had likely already left campus.

Friday, March 01, 2024

240100; Evidence of Drug Use; McKinley; 22:39;

A CSO on patrol in McKinley encountered the odor of cannabis within the second floor hallway. They followed the odor and determined it was stronger at the east end of the hallway. The CSO could not determine the exact source of the odor and thus cleared the scene.


Sunday, March 03, 2024

240101; Alcohol Violation, Welfare Check; Residence Hall; 02:18;

Community Safety responded to a request from a student asking for a welfare check on their inebriated friend. The CSO referred to the yellow card, “Signs of Alcohol or Other Drug Overdose Emergencies,” and determined that the friend did not have any of the emergent or urgent symptoms requiring emergency medical attention.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

240102; Suspicious Persons/Activities/Circumstances, Trespass; Eliot Circle; 09:44;

A CSO on patrol encountered an individual who matched the description of a  previously excluded member of campus. The CSO followed the individual from a safe distance and no further action was taken as the individual exited campus premises without incident.

His weekly appearance…

Sunday, March 03, 2024

240103; Information Only; Naito/Sullivan; 10:07;

A CSO on patrol observed that a homemade sign in the Sullivan dormitory had been removed for a second time. After the first time the sign had been removed, the CSO had been approached by a student asking if Community Safety had removed the sign.

CSO censorship??

Sunday, March 03, 2024

240104; Suspicious Persons/Activities/Circumstances, Unauthorized Entry; Student Center; 11:15;

A CSO conducting a routine patrol of the Student Center observed that the Student Center entrance was not secured. The CSO performed an internal patrol of the Student Center and observed that in the student work area the radiator was on, a microfiber blanket was left on a chair, and there appeared to be a bag of personal belongings nearby.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

240105; Evidence of Drug Use, Unattended Alcohol or Drugs; Trillium; 12:21;

A CSO conducting a routine patrol of Trillium Residence Hall encountered an unattended wine bottle. The CSO emptied the contents down the sink and disposed of the bottle. They also encountered two containers of infused cannabis cigarettes, one empty and one full.

The Quoffice would like to ask what an “infused cannabis cigarette” is and where to purchase them

Sunday, March 03, 2024

240106; Suspicious Persons/Activities/Circumstances, Damage to Property; Sports Center; 12:14;

Community Safety Received a report regarding a break-in at the Sports Center. The reporting individual stated that the door to the weight room was unsecured and open. The reporting party stated that, based on marks left on the door frame and door, most likely a pry bar was used to open the door.

They just wanted to get leg day in…
