Dog of the Week is Back Babey

Photo by Liz Organ

Literally just a baby

Name: Casey Joe

Breed: Mastiff/Husky/German Shepard

Age: 6

Rating: 14/10

Author’s Note: Apologies for disappearing for a bit! I am thesising this year and also my car got stolen so things have been busy! If you want to help out, please email any dogs to

Casey Joe may look like she’s 100% floof but she’s actually quite smart! During our interview, Casey Joe’s person brought out a bully stick and gave some to Casey for doing some tricks, sitting pretty for photos, when we were done, her person put the stick in their pocket which Casey didn’t like. First, she went behind her person to see if the stick was on the ground or in the air somewhere. Then, using her super smart nose, she located the stick and gently pulled it out of her person’s pocket. She slightly paused, probably wondering what the two people were laughing at, before lying back down and finishing her stick.

Casey also rarely barks except when it’s something spooky like her cat sibling or the occasional loud noise. Her people used to keep some snacks (bully sticks) on a table but one day Casey’s cat sibling went to the bully sticks and started playing with them! Which is really rude on the cat’s part! He should know that those are not for him but for Casey! So of course, Casey barked at him. However, the cat did not get the message at first and continued to rub his face on them until their people came and moved the sticks. It was a really difficult moment for Casey so you can understand why she might be protective of her bully sticks.

Casey Joe is a rare sight on campus since usually her person only walks her when there aren’t a lot of people around. This is because Casey has doggy ADHD and gets easily distracted which sometimes stops her from actually going potty like she’s supposed to! A 14/10 pup, such a mood honestly.