Community Safety Blotter 11/10

October 30, 2023 - November 5, 2023

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

230393; Medical Assist; Residence Hall

“Notes: A CSO responded to a report of students on the roof of a residence hall. Upon arriving, the CSO observed multiple students on the roof of the residence hall and requested the students carefully get down from the roof. One of the students injured themself on the way down and requested first aid from the CSO. The CSO escorted the student to 28 West to provide proper wound care. After cleaning and bandaging the injury, the CSO recommended the student go to the HCC in the morning for follow-up care.”

230394; Disorderly Conduct; Residence Hall

“Notes: This is a follow-up report to 230393, focusing on the disorderly conduct observed. A CSO responded to a report of students throwing objects off the roof of a residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSO observed the students on the roof, and multiple various items lying on a picnic table nearby. The CSO requested the students get off of the roof, which they did. The students stated that they had not been throwing anything off of the roof. The CSO advised the students to stay off of the roof and then wished the students a good remainder of their Halloween. The CSO then escorted one of the students to 28 West to clean and bandage a cut the student had received while climbing down off of the roof.”

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

230395; Medical Transport; Academic Building

“Notes: A CSO responded to a request for aid for a student experiencing a medical emergency. A fire engine had already arrived at the scene, as a call to 911 had also been placed. Emergency medical services arrived shortly thereafter and transported the student to a medical facility for further care.”

230396; Disorderly Conduct; Front Lawn

“Notes: A Reed staff member emailed Community Safety to report that they had witnessed a car being driven across the Front Lawn.”

Thursday, November 02, 2023

230397; Medical Assist; Residence Hall

“Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student and their family member, who had experienced an injury. The injured party declined medical transport, opting to see how the injury adjusted over time. The CSO provided first aid materials to the individual before departing.”

Friday, November 03, 2023

230398; Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances; Eliot Hall

“Notes: A CSO on patrol heard noises coming from an office that would normally have been unoccupied at that hour. Upon closer inspection, the CSO discovered that a member of the Reed staff was in the office. As the individual was not authorized to be in that office at that time, the CSO asked them to leave and passed the information gathered to the staff member’s direct supervisor.”

230399; Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances, Graffiti; Greenwood

“Notes: A CSO responded to a report of an unknown individual painting graffiti on the support walls underneath Greenwood. Upon arrival, the CSO did not encounter anybody but observed that previously unreported graffiti was present. The CSO documented the graffiti and requested that building services be contacted for removal of the graffiti.”

Saturday, November 04, 2023

230400; Damage to Property; Campus

“Notes: A CSO, en route to the Sports Center for an unlock, encountered multiple fallen trees blocking both directions of Botsford Drive. The CSO notified facilities so that the trees could be removed, and then the CSO set up traffic safety cones and caution tape to cordon off the area.”
