Statement from the Editors: Why We Did Not Attempt to Explain the Conflict in the Middle East

We do not have the resources or ability to cover a conflict taking place thousands of miles away, and we believe it would be inappropriate of a student press to attempt to do so. 

This has been editorial policy since October 23, when a writer submitted an explanation of the conflict in the Middle East. On October 25, the editorial board voted not to publish it. Henry Kendrick wrote to that writer on behalf of the board, “the walkout this afternoon is a campus event, which we are obligated to cover. We will make every effort to do so in a manner which only relates the events of the walkout, and nothing more. We take full responsibility for our success or failure in that respect. What we are not obligated to cover are the events of the war itself, which is being breathlessly reported on by professional news media worldwide. Reed students can gain information from those outlets.” 

Within the context of the protest article, we opted only to allude to events when not doing so would deprive readers of crucial context, for instance the history of the word “intifada,” the mission of the National Students for Justice in Palestine, relevant protests on other campuses, and the history of Kristallnacht. In each case, reporters erred on the side of quoting directly from sources to ensure accuracy.

Letter from the Editors