Blotter 11/3

Community Safety Blotter

October 23, 2023 - October 29, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

230381; Damage to Property; North Lot

“Notes: A CSO, along with a CSO trainee (CSOT), responded to a report that a Zip Car parked in the North Lot had one of its windows broken. They took pictures of the incident and issued a clean up request.”

230382; Larceny; Birchwood Apartments

“Notes: A CSO responded to a theft report at the Birchwood apartments. The CSO met with a student who reported that a package had been stolen from off of their porch. The student stated that within the short time they received an email notifying them of the package’s delivery and when they returned home, the package had been removed from in front of their front door.”

Thursday, October 26, 2023

230383; Damage to Property; PAB

“Notes: Dispatch received an emailed report from a staff member regarding a framed poster being damaged in the PAB during the juggling PE course.”

Imagine its your first day of juggling and you fuck up so bad they have to call the CSOs

Friday, October 27, 2023

230384; Theft of Motor Vehicle; West Lot

“Notes: An alum reported to Community Safety Dispatch that their car had been stolen while parked in the West Lot. The alum stated that a police report has also been filed.”

230385; Bias-Related Incident; Library

“Notes: A student arrived at 28 West to report that they had encountered anti-Semitic graffiti in a library bathroom. Facilities was called to request the immediate removal of the graffiti, and the Office for Institutional Diversity was notified.”

230386; Information Only; GCC

“Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered three unsecured kegs outside of the GCC. Upon inquiry, the hosts of the Beer Garden clarified they were trying to clean up, but the kegs were too heavy for one person so a group was being gathered to move them.”

Good cover?

Saturday, October 28, 2023

230387; Medical Assist; Residence Hall

“Notes: A CSO responded to a student’s request for assistance with their friend who was ill from over consumption of alcohol. After using the “Signs of Alcohol or Other Drug Overdose Emergencies” yellow card to assess the individual, the CSO determined that no medical intervention would be necessary. The CSO left a resource card with the student and reminded them to call Community Safety back if they felt it was warranted. The student called Community Safety again approximately 20 minutes later to again come check on their friend who had not shown any improvement. The CSO again assessed the individual, and concluded again that while the individual was feeling unwell, they did not exhibit any urgent or emergency symptoms of overdose. The CSO cleared the scene.”

230388; Medical Transport; Residence Hall

“Notes: CSOs responded to a request for assistance with a student who was possibly experiencing a mental health crisis. After consuming alcohol and possibly other substances, a student appeared to be suffering from a mental health crisis. While on the scene, the CSOs observed that another student possibly needed medical attention, as they appeared to be unresponsive. While one CSO assessed the first individual, another assessed the other student. It was determined that both students should be evaluated by medical professionals. Emergency medical services were called for both students and both were transported to medical facilities for further assessment and care.”

230389; Medical Assist; Residence Hall

“Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a student who was ill after consuming alcohol. The CSO met with the student, and after assessing the student using the CS Yellow Card, they determined the student did not require any medical attention at that time. The CSO spoke with the student’s roommate who stated that they would continue to keep an eye on the student and call Community Safety again if their situation worsened.”

230390; Medical Assist; Residence Hall

“Notes: CSOs responded to a report that a student was feeling unwell after they had consumed alcohol and had taken a contra-indicated medication. The CSOs observed that the student was clearly experiencing physical distress and should be evaluated by medical professionals. American Medical Response (AMR) was requested, however no ambulances were available at that time. By the time AMR arrived, approximately 40 minutes later, the student was feeling better and declined further medical care.”

Sunday, October 29, 2023

230391; Medical Transport; Residence Hall

“Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. The CSO met with a student who stated they were feeling ill after consuming alcohol and consuming a cannabis containing product. After evaluating the student and discussing care options with the student, American Medical Transport was called and the student was transported to a medical facility for further care.”

230392; Medical Assist; Residence Hall

“Notes: The Community Safety Director (CSD) responded to a student’s request for medical assistance for another student who was feeling ill after consuming alcohol. After assessing the unwell student, the CSD confirmed that the student did not require medical intervention at that time, however the CSD reminded the other student that they should call Community Safety again should the other student’s condition worsen.”
