Community Safety Blotter 10/13

October 2, 2023 - October 8, 2023

Monday, October 02, 2023

230349; Medical Assist ; Residence Hall

“Notes: CSOs responded to a request for assistance in a residence hall. They met with a student who was experiencing a medical emergency. The CSOs provided basic first aid and asked if the student would like an ambulance transport to a medical facility for further care. The student declined the offer but accepted a vehicle escort to the HCC.”

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

230350; Alcohol Violation; Gray Campus Center

“Notes: A CSO on patrol of the GCC encountered a person lying unconscious on the sidewalk near the amphitheater. The CSO recognized the individual as a student with whom they’d had previous interactions. Upon waking the student, the CSO confirmed that the student was inebriated. Based on the CSO’s observations of the student’s degree of intoxication, the CSO determined that assisting the student to their residence was the best course of action. The CSO requested assistance from the CSM, and together they provided the student with an escort to their residence. The CSOs spoke to the individual’s roommate before clearing the scene.”

Is taking a nap a crime?

Thursday, October 05, 2023

230359; Suspicious Persons/Activities/Circumstances; Greywood

“Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a suspicious individual in Greywood. While the CSO did not encounter the individual during their search of the building, the CSO recalled their previous observations of an individual on campus who matched the provided description. The CSO recalled having seen, on multiple other occasions, the individual sitting for extended periods of time in a car parked in the East Lot.”

Friday, October 06, 2023

230360; Damage to Property; West Lot

“Notes: A member of the community arrived at 28 West to report that their car window had been shattered while it had been parked in the West Lot. The vehicle owner stated that nothing appeared to be missing from the vehicle.”

230361; Disorderly Conduct; Front Lawn

“Notes: CSOs were stationed on the front lawn of campus where a large group of students had gathered for an “Absolut Brawl.” Upon witnessing students wrestling and pinning each other for a count of three, a CSO alerted the students that there could be no physical contact as per the Dean of Students and Community Safety Director. Later, a student approached a monitoring CSO to inform them that the student may have been injured during the “Absolut Brawl.” The student took a taxi to a medical facility for further care.”

See y’all there next time :)

Saturday, October 07, 2023

230362; Arson/Attempted; Bragdon

“Notes: A CSO responded to a report of vandalism. The CSO met with a student who stated that they had witnessed two individuals outside of Bradgon attempting to set fire to a fire extinguisher using hand sanitizer as a catalyst. The CSO recovered the fire extinguisher which had sustained some damage.”

You’d think Reedies would be smart enough to do arson well

230363; Medical Assist; Front Lawn

“Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance on the front lawn. The CSO met with a student who stated that their visiting friend was feeling unwell after consuming alcohol. The ill friend requested to be triaged by paramedics but did not wish to be transported to a medical facility. American Medical Response was contacted and paramedics advised that the person drink water and get rest. They determined that medical intervention would not be necessary. The CSO cleared the scene once the student had taken their guest back to their residence for rest.”

Sunday, October 08, 2023

230364; Evidence of Drug Use; Cross Canyon Residence Hall

“Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered the odor of cannabis emanating from the second floor of Chittick. The CSO was unable to locate the source of the odor.”

Input meme of cartoon floating towards the scent of a pie on a windowsill
