Community Safety Blotter 9/29

September 18, 2023 - September 24, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

230327; Larceny; Campus

“Notes: A Reed staff member arrived at 28 West to report that their bike had been stolen while stored on Reed campus property.”

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

230328; Student Concern; Residence Hall

“Notes: A CSO responded to a request for assistance in a residence hall where a student was experiencing a mental health crisis. After speaking with Community Safety the student confirmed they would go to a medical facility for evaluation and treatment.”

230329; Damage to Property; West Lot

“Notes: A CSO on patrol in the West Lot encountered a vehicle whose rear window had been shattered. The vehicle was registered with Community Safety and the owner was contacted to notify them of the damage. A “CSO was here” card was left with the vehicle.”

230330; Damage to Property / Theft from Vehicle; East Lot

“Notes: A CSM responded to a report of property damage and theft in the East Lot. Upon arrival, the CSM met with a member of staff who reported their vehicle had been broken into, and an item stolen from it. The CSM helped clean the copious amounts of glass from the vehicle and filed a report of the stolen items. The CSM also recommended the vehicle owner file a report with the Portland Police.”

“copious amounts”, huh?

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

230331; Damage to Property; East Lot

“Notes: A CSM received a report from a Reed staff member that the rear window of their vehicle had been shattered while it was parked in the East Lot. The vehicle owner reported that no items were missing. Community Safety gave the vehicle owner the information needed for insurance purposes.”

Seems like someone has a vendetta against car windows.

230332; Information Only; Campus

“Notes: The Community Safety Director received a call from the US Postal Inspector regarding a piece of mail that had been sent to the Reed campus address.”

Guys please don’t mail us any more cocaine please – now THE US Postal Inspector is on our case.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

230333; Larceny; Trillium

“Notes: A CSO responded to a report of bike theft at Trillium residence hall. The CSO met with a student whose bike had been stolen from where it had been secured to the bike rack near the Trillium multi-purpose room.”

230334; Threat Assessment; 28 West

“Notes: A CSM conducted a threat assessment.”

Friday, September 22, 2023

230335; Alcohol Violation; Foster

“Notes: A CSM on patrol of Foster encountered a group of students. The CSM observed that upon seeing the CSM, one of the students proceeded to move an alcohol container out of sight. When the CSM relayed to the student their observations, the student confirmed that they had been drinking alcohol and handed the container to the CSM. The student also confirmed that they were under 21.”

Saturday, September 23, 2023

230337; Medical Transport; Residence Hall

“Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance at a residence hall. The CSO met with two students, one of whom was possibly experiencing a medical emergency. After evaluating the student and discussing options available, the student was ultimately transported to a medical facility for further care.”

Hope you feel better!

230339; Student Concern; 28 West

“Notes: A student arrived at 28 West to report that they were concerned for a fellow student whom they had been unable to contact for multiple hours. The Dispatcher spoke with the On-Call Area Coordinator (OCAC), who then attempted to contact the other student, but was also unsuccessful at that time. Approximately one hour later, the other student contacted the OCAC to report that they were okay. The student stated that they hadn’t heard their phone notifications and apologized for worrying people.”

Sunday, September 24, 2023

230340; Maintenance Issue; Reed College Apartments

“Notes: A CSM responded to a request for assistance at the RCA parking lot. Upon arrival, the CSM observed that one of the rear wheels of a Reed van was hanging in the air over a set of stairs. The driver stated that they had not been able to see the stairs behind them as they were backing up, which resulted in one of the wheels hanging over the edge of the descending staircase. The CSM requested a tow truck which was eventually able to safely pull the vehicle forward so that all four wheels were again on the ground. There appeared to be minimal resulting damage to the van.”

Are the stairs okay?
