Senate Beat: No Senate This Week

Senate Public this week was canceled, with an email notice sent out by Student Body President Safi Zenger ('24) at 4 o'clock. Senator Meera Balan ('26) informed the audience of the cancellation, saying, "We apologize for the delayed notice. Public will happen next week. I hope you all have a great second quarter."

A member of the Policy and Accountability Committee who was in the audience had planned to share an announcement at Public, but instead sent it to the Quest:

SAVE THE DATE: SHARE Presents the annual “TAKE BACK THE NIGHT” on April 4, 2023, from 9-11 pm in Eliot Chapel

Take Back the Night is an annual community event demanding an end to sexual violence, accountability for offenders, and support for survivors. Survivors who wish to share their experiences will be given the space and support they deserve to do so. We invite student survivors, friends, and allies to join us. Please be aware that all mandatory reporting obligations will be suspended for this event and Confidential advocates will be present.

In the coming weeks, SHARE will be tabling outside GCC. Stop by to fold a paper crane or write a message of support of survivors, and ask any questions you may have!

Contact with questions or to provide a message in support of survivors to be displayed at Take Back the Night.

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