Community Safety Blotter 3/24

Monday, March 13th - Sunday, March 19th

Narcan doses discovered missing this week: 0

Monday, March 13th

230101; Information Only; Off Campus

Notes: Dispatch received an emailed report of a Reed owned off-property storage unit being burglarized. The unit had been accessed using the Reed gate code, then the lock had been cut and items had been removed from the unit. The reporting party also filed a police report.

Tuesday, March 14th

230102; Medical Transport - Other; Administrative building

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in an administrative building. The CSO met with a Reed community member experiencing physical distress. Emergency medical services were requested and the community member was transported by American Medical Response to a nearby medical facility for further care.

Wednesday, March 15th

230103; Exclusion; Canyon

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a suspicious person in the canyon. The description given matched that of an individual who had been asked to leave campus in the weeks before. The CSO intercepted the person matching the description and confirmed that it was the same person who had been asked to leave in a prior instance. The CSO again escorted the individual off of campus and issued a verbal exclusion during this interaction. The individual left campus without incident.

230104; Medical Assist - Other; Residence hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. The CSO met with a student who was having trouble breathing and believed they had something lodged in their throat. The CSO remained with the student who, after some time, began feeling better. The CSO departed when the student’s friend arrived. The CSO provided the student with a pink emergency number card in case it was needed.

Friday, March 17th

230105; Date: 2023-03-07 [sic]; Damage to Property; West Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered the odor of gasoline. Upon investigating, the CSO encountered a Reed owned van with multiple puncture holes in its gas tank, from which gas was still leaking. The CSO used the contents of a spill bag to cover the gas on the ground and placed a cone in front of the van. Dispatch contacted the appropriate parties for clean up of the gas and needed repairs of the van.

230106; Damage to Property; West Lot

Notes: CSOs responded to the West Lot regarding a report of a suspicious individual. Upon arrival, neither the individual, nor the vehicle presumably associated with them, were present. The CSOs did encounter the strong odor of gasoline. Upon inspecting the area, they discovered a Reed owned van with puncture holes in its gas tank. Reed maintenance was contacted for clean up of the gasoline. This is the second Reed van that had its gas tank punctured in less than 24 hours.

230107; Exclusion; Steele Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol near the Steele Lot encountered a known houseless individual camping in their trailer in the lot. The CSO spoke with the individual and, since this was not the first interaction with this individual camping on Reed property, issued a verbal exclusion. The individual stated they understood and left the property. 

Sunday, March 19th

230109; Student Concern; Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a student possibly experiencing a mental health crisis. The CSO engaged with the student and called the Area Coordinator On-Call (AC) for assistance. The student was eventually assisted by EMS and transported to a medical facility for care. 

230110; Medical Assist - Other; Residence hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance at a residence hall. The CSO met with a student who had concerns about their prescribed medication. The CSO remained with the student until the student felt confident that all was well. The CSO departed with the agreement that they would check back with the student later. When the CSO did so, the student was well.

230111; Medical Assist - Drug related; Residence hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance at a residence hall. The CSOs met with a student who reported that they had accidentally ingested “poppers” and were unsure what to do. The CSOs remained with the student to observe their condition and after a short while they departed, as the student was feeling better. Upon leaving, the CSOs advised the student to Contact Community Safety if their condition worsened.
