Letter from the editors: we're back and better than ever

Hello fellow Quest enthusiasts!

We hope everyone had a very well-rested break. As you begin a new sleep-deprived semester, we as well reignite our Wednesday night to Thursday morning all-nighters, many smoke breaks, and caffeine-powered pursuit of the new and noteworthy.

What’s new this semester?

We have a third semester return from Anie “CoffeeXredbull” Kotha as well as second semester returns from Cass “weed makes me focus more” Biles and Madeleine “smoke break?” Voth. Meanwhile, we also have two new editors: Declan “yes but do dogs have knees?” Bradley and Chloe “my plants are close to mutiny” Hsy!

On top of this, we have a couple of other changes. Contributor meetings have been moved to 6 pm on Tuesday nights. And, hopefully, in a continuation from last semester, we will be getting a new title from our friends at the calligraphy club.

Now a little bit about your editors for the spring semester.

Despite being both sleep deprived and overworked, Anie continues to start her days with coffee and red bull. But, not thanks to a new edition to the marketplace, she has now replaced her coffee with straight espresso. While she continues to work for the Quest she hopes to bring new writers to bring different perspectives on a variety of topics. While she hopes she gets rest this semester for 9 AMs on Thursdays, she wouldn’t be terribly upset if she would need to stay up for a hard hitting story.

New editor Declan is already at work on a new version of the Quest site and, when not in class or reading a book somewhere in the canyon, is likely to be found holed up in the SPO listening to music and muttering something incoherent about semicolons and divs. Like Anie, Declan looks forward to working with both new and returning Quest writers this semester, and plans to spend more than a few late nights in the Quest office (before staggering into his 9 AM history class on Thursday morning). 

Continuing (barely) editor Cass Biles is starting her 2nd semester on Quest ready and rolling! 

Cass is excited this spring-time to publish exciting new stories, from Renn Fayre Popes, to the gym’s reconstruction, to the relentless hope that we will one day profile Luis Giraldo. Through the trudges of organic chemistry, over the hills of reading Hobbes, and finally skiing the mountains of 5am editors nights, Cass is tumbling along and ready to bring you new content! 

Second semester editor Madeleine is feeling good about this semester, mainly because she no longer has a 9am on Thursday mornings, and instead will be able to make it to class (hopefully) a little bit less sleep deprived. She is looking forward to another semester of singing along to Mamma Mia in the Quest room and taking copious amounts of smoke breaks, and is hoping for little to no scandals this semester (fingers crossed!)

Chloe has started the semester with an impulsive dye job and by catching (what feels like) the plague. One week in, and she’s spent five hours in the ER only to learn that she is *shrugs* probably fine. She’s super excited to start work with the Quest, to have a productive excuse for her too common all-nighters, and for a semester that is hopefully up from here.

Come visit us during our sleep-deprived editing nights or contributors meetings, and we wish you the best of luck during this new semester!

By the Reed College Quest
