Senate Beat: Fun(ds) Discussion
The September 21st Senate Public meeting focused on funding and academics. Reporting for the Committee on Academic Policy, Senator Aidan Mokalla (‘25) shared that Theater 302 — Junior Production Studio — may be cut from the curriculum in the near future, while the Math Department is under discussion to be renamed the Math and Statistics Department. Meanwhile, President Safi Zenger (‘24) shared an update on an ongoing summer project to better allocate student spaces on campus, which is moving forward after the completion of last week’s Funding Hell. The Senate also shared that the Student Union is now open to students 24/7 while classes are in session.
Represented by Head Treasurer Sean Brown (‘24) and Vice Treasurer Wani Pandey (‘23), the Finance Committee allocated $1653.50 to the Drum Corps, $315 to the Tango Club, and $259 to the Reed Horodotones. While the Senate was unable to vote — lacking a quorum, with only nine members in attendance — all three funds are expected to be approved. The Finance Committee also approved line item funding for the Quest, and is currently discussing a request from the publication to hire a sixth editor. The Quest has employed six editors in the past, but has operated with five since the Spring of 2020. If the funding is approved, the Quest would hire an additional editor to the team as a return to the previous staff of six.
Appointments Committee Chair Jefferson Ratliff (‘25) reminded those present that applications for Election Czars are still open, and encouraged all who are interested to apply. Meanwhile, Senator Lennox Reeder (‘25) stated their impression — following a recent meeting — that Legislation Committee is “not quite real,” and serves as a way for faculty and staff to engage with Senate and advocate for legislation.
President Zenger and Senator Mokalla attended a meeting on adjudication which served as “a nice overview of all the judicial processes on campus,” while several senators attended a meeting with the Office for Institutional Diversity to discuss how the campus can better honor important holidays and dates from all calendars. A proposal to distribute fliers with information about special dates in various calendars around campus was discussed. Meanwhile, Senator Ratliff plans to meet with the Sustainability Coordinator in the near future and has reached out to the SHARE program. Finally, Student Body Secretary Miles Sanford (‘24) has scheduled the required quarterly meeting with Reactor Operations, and will be meeting the Director of International Programs on September 30th to discuss new payment structures for the study abroad program.