Letter from the Editors: Introducing Your New Editorial Board!

Hello dear humans. It is a new year. We think. At this point who even knows what month it is? But, at least, we do know that it’s Friday because we are printing! And we will continue to print every Friday throughout the year, rain or shine or freaky fire-sky. Following last semester’s online election, the Quest has a new editorial board. Three content and copy editors will be returning this year, Katherine Draves (‘22), Clarissa Lam (‘23), and Dan Primka (‘21). Wani Pandey (‘23) is returning as the layout editor, and our long-lost content and copy editor Elai Kobayashi-Solomon (‘22) is returning from a year abroad. 

Fall 2020 Quest Editorial Board members. Top row (L-R): Clarissa Lam ‘23 and Wani Pandey ‘23. Middle row (L-R): Katherine Draves ‘22 and Dan Primka ‘21. Bottom row: Elai Kobayashi-Solomon

Fall 2020 Quest Editorial Board members. Top row (L-R): Clarissa Lam ‘23 and Wani Pandey ‘23. Middle row (L-R): Katherine Draves ‘22 and Dan Primka ‘21. Bottom row: Elai Kobayashi-Solomon

This semester we will operate almost entirely online through Zoom as we bring you the socially-distanced news. This year more than ever we will be beefing up our online presence through our Instagram, Twitter, and website! We will be holding public online editing nights starting at 5 p.m. PST on Wednesdays (as usual but this time on Zoom), as well as Contributors’ Meetings on Tuesdays from 5-6 p.m. PST. The link to access the Zoom meeting is on our website and in our Instagram and Twitter bios. We will continue to accept your Letters to the Editors (submit at www.reedquest.org), and, assuming all things go well, we will continue to have QuestCast, the weekly Reed-related news podcast. 

This year, we are committed to building a stronger, more diverse Quest. Already, we met with the SHARE program director, Rowan Frost, and the MRC program director, Ashley Stull Meyers, to foster a relationship and expand our style guide to include anti-bias resources. Following the creation of our new style guide, we plan to host a public meeting and get student input. With Ashley and Rowan’s support, we’re also working to increase sensitivity edits as well as expand the diversity of our writers. If you have any other suggestions please come to our office hours (more info on that below!).

In an effort to increase the communication between the Quest and the Student Body, we will hold weekly office hours for you to talk to us about anything Quest related that may be on your mind. Office hours are right after our Contributors’ Meetings from 6-7 p.m. PST on Tuesdays and you can always pop into our public editing nights on Wednesdays. We look forward to bringing you the news and meeting you sometime!


The Quest Editorial Board