Senate Beat: Oct 26, 2020

On a lazy Monday, everyone seemed, rightfully, more interested in mourning the loss of fall break than attending a public meeting with no new business and just a small handful of committee reports.

Assistant Treasurer Kodinna Anachebe reported that they’ve been processing disbursements and had met with the bookstore board to discuss plans on putting together a textbook collective. Vice Treasurer Ena Hashimoto reported that the Grail requested $200. The request was funded in full and passed unanimously. Senator Priya Narain has been working with the Basic Needs Initiative to establish a COVID safe way for the pantry to receive non-food donations. Senator Billy Fish reported that he will meet with the Health and Counseling Center (HCC) Student Advisory Council to discuss a new HCC charter. Fish also met with the Physical (Phys) Plant to discuss COVID, the Phys Plant budget, and student housing. Student Body Vice President Apoorva Mangipudi has continued to work on an initiative to integrate student discussion leaders into HUM 110 classes to help conferences speak on race and across differences. Mangipudi also met with administration to create a more standardized and accessible method for voicing student grievances to the administration. Secretary Safi Zenger had no reports but is doing well. Senator Alondra Loza announced three new hires for the Student Committee on Diversity: Isabelle Mercado, Bhanava Panchumarthi, and Sye Oyama. Loza also reported that the news bulletin initiative will be an extension of the Student Body Information (sbinfo) website. Senator Amrita Sawhney reported that her new podcast is ready to publish and will be available soon.

As Mangipudi ended the meeting, everyone’s Zoom boxes were quick to disappear as people went on with their days.