Senate Beat: Restorative Justice Policy to Take Effect, Dissent Policy Vote

Appointments this week

Sadie Mae Bell as Assistant Sustainability Coordinator

Aliza Phillips & Aditya Gadkari for SCAPP (Student Committee on Academic Policy and Planning) Coordinators

The second-to-last Senate meeting of the year was centered around changes expected to be made to Reed’s upper administration and dissent policy by the end of the school year. The new Restorative Justice policy, which will be in effect by the beginning of next school year, was discussed regarding its implementation into Reed's Honor Principle and what this will mean for students and faculty next year. From committee reports, senator Jonathan Lederman reported that he met with Reed staff who coordinate orientation to discuss having the option next year for more disability-accessible orientation events. Similarly, Lederman reported meeting with Associate Dean of Students Julie Maxfield to talk about the current disability accommodations of lectures in classes at Reed.

Student Body President Pax Lloyd-Burchett passed on that there is no official news yet about the faculty’s dissent policy vote. Lloyd-Burchett wanted to pass along that if [students] know faculty who work with students who dissent, or students interested in reforming dissent policy, they will be able to join a committee of professors and students aimed at promoting dialogue about the dissent policy and how to effectively incorporate it more implicitly into to the Reed community; details about this new committee will be available soon.

Lloyd-Burchett also reported the upcoming appointment of nine new Judicial Board members this weekend on Saturday, April 27. Senator Billy Fish reported that he will be collecting student feedback on senate as well as other information to go in the student body handbook for next year. The last item on the senate agenda for the meeting was the announcement that Senator and Student Body Vice President Isabel Hoff will be studying abroad next fall, so one of the current senators will be the next vice president after discussion amongst senate to decide who will take over the position.


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