Senate Beat: Oct 3 2019

Last week's themeless student Senate meeting was kicked off by Student Body President Pax Lloyd-Burchett who expertly noted the equal ratio of 2 students to 2 faculty audience members in attendance, which was promptly followed by scattered, yet enthusiastic applause by all four community members present. 

During committee reports, the allocation of $476 for clubs was approved as proposed by assistant treasury Daksh Shami. Senator Gabe Wilkie-Rogers discussed his recent meeting with Community Safety regarding student concerns and emphasized his plans to continue having said meetings in the future. Senator Jonathan Lederman announced that the first accessibility committee meeting will be held October 18 and to connect with him for more information. Lloyd-Burchett gave a brief overview of the discussion to be had during the executive meeting regarding the hazing policy draft. The policy will be written by the Restorative Justice team in compliance with Oregon law, specifically House Bill 2519. Senator Billy Fish discussed having met with sustainability to discuss goals and plans to continue meeting in the future. Fish continued by informing the audience that an HCC update had been posted to Facebook, in SB info, and in the Grey Campus Center main entrance hallway outside of commons. He plans on continuing to meet with the administration to learn more about HCC history and prospective solutions. In lighter news, Fish expressed great gratification when he announced the completion of the Student Body Handbook and stated that it is in the process of being printed now! 

The meeting turned to audience questions and, with great passion and concern, student Nick Chaiyachakorn promptly rose to bring to question the absence of Lloyd-Burchett’s gavel. Lloyed-Burchett justified this display of disorder by stating that said gavel had been left in his room in Trillium. 

It was noted that students have displayed a positive response to Senator Fish’s HCC report, and after the committee expressed their appreciation for Fish, the committee unofficially and unanimously voted that Senator Billy Fish is “great.” And if the meeting couldn’t have gotten any better, President Audrey Bilger and wife Cheryl Pawelski strolled through the Student Union to say “hi” on their way to hang more weathergrams. Directly following this, the committee proceeded to bang their fists on the tables in imitation of gavel banging, and so the meeting was adjourned.